IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology (.)

ISSN(Print): 2347-4599 ; ISSN(Online): 2321-8843

Impact Factor(JCC): 6.4687; NAAS Rating : -- ; IBI Factor : -- ;

IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology is an open access, double blind, peer-reviewed and refereed journal in English in the areas of Engineering and Technology, published monthly by Impact Journals in the form of electronic version.  The scope of the journal includes Engineering & technology topics in Automobile & Aeronautical Engg,, Bio Technology, Chemical & Plastic Technology, Ceramics, Petrochemicals, Computer Science & Information  Technology, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil and Architectural engineering, Mechanical & Production Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Space Engineering, Nano technology, Leather technology, Textile & Fashion Technology. It is a scholarly journal of opinion and research in academic research. Its mission is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about academicians researches most vital issues.  The focus of the publication is original completed research that has application to academicians, researchers, policymakers, administrators, and teachers within the broad areas of academic research.All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication after a review process. Manuscripts should be sent either as an email attachment to   or can be uploaded using our “Online submission” form. 

Types of papers

Regular articles: These should describe new, carefully confirmed findings, innovative & creative research ideas and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short communications: A short communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques, creative models etc., The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Review manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.

Case Report: It includes case reports / studies in any sub-areas of the main field. A case report is generally considered a type of anecdotal evidence. 

Book Reviews: Books can be reviewed for research thesis, scientific books, printed periodicals, magazines and newspapers, as school work, or for book web sites on the Internet.Reviewers may use the occasion of a book review for a display of learning or to promulgate their own ideas on the topic of a fiction or non-fiction work. 

Abstracting and Indexing:     

Abstracted and indexed in many of the major global databases including: Scribd, Mendeley, Google Scholar, IndexCopernicus, ResearchBible, Internet Archive, OAJI, SSRN. 

Quick Menus

Impact Factor(JCC)

  • 6.4687;
  • 2347-4599
  • 2321-8843