IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology (.)

ISSN(Print): 2347-4599 ; ISSN(Online): 2321-8843

Impact Factor(JCC): 6.4687; NAAS Rating : -- ; IBI Factor : -- ;

Editorial Chair Person

Dr.Woon-Hong Yeo, M.S.,Ph.D , (University of Washington)., Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rogers Research Group, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA,

Advisory Editorial Board Members

Editorial Board Members

Dr.PHUC V.Nguyen, M.Sc.,M.Ed.c.,Ph.D, h.c.)(Calamus university,London,U.K), Ph.D. (ABD)., Deputy Director,Institute of International Language Development and Research, Vietnam,

Dr. Mansour Mhaede, Ph.D (Clausthal University), Research associate at Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW), TU-Clausthal, Germany,

Dr. Omar Qarani Aziz, M.Sc., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Eng, College. of Eng., University of Salahaddin, Hawler, Kurdistan Region , Iraq,

Er. Zellagui Mohamed, Principal Engineer Electrical at Group Sonelgaz, Distribution Company of Electricity and Gas of Eastern (S.D.E),Electrical Technical Division, Constantine, Algeria,

Dr. M.Chithirai Pon Selvan, M.E., Ph.D, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, Amity University, Dubai, Dubai International Academic City,Dubai, India,

Dr. Mohammad Israr, M.E., Ph.D, Principal, Balaji Engineering College, Junagadh, Gujarat-362014, Egypt,

Dr.P.Sanjeevikumar, M.Tech., Ph.D, Assistant Professor / Electrical & Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT-Puducherry), An Institute of National Importance under MHRD, (Govt. of India), Arignar Anna Govt. Arts College Campus, Nehru nagar,Karaikal, India,

Dr. Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, M.Sc., Ph.D, Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf, Menoufia University, Egypt,

Dr. Sanjay Sharma, M.Sc., Ph.D (Graphic Era University), Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Roorkee Engineering & Management Technology Institute (REMTech), Shamli, Uttar Pradesh, India,

Dr. Mohammad Hadi Dehghani, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Public Health, Tehran, Iran,

Dr. Messaouda Azzouzi, Ph.D (Politehnica University of Bucharest)., Assistant professor, Department of Science & Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University Ziane Achour of Djelfa, Algeria,

Dr. Zhangissina Gulnur , Ph.D, Davletzhanovna-Vice-rector of the Science, Central-Asian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Dr.Gurudutt Sahni , Ph.D, H.O.D & DGM (Design ,Drawing & Development)In Leader Valves Ltd, Jalandhar(Punjab), India,

Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya , Ph.D, Associate Professor-Electronics & Communication Engineering Department and Assistant Dean of Technology,University of Technology & Management, Shillong, Meghalaya, India,

Dr. Said Elshahat Abdallah, Ph. D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt,

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fatah Ashabrawy Moustafa, PhD. in Computer Science, - Faculty of Science - Suez Canal University University, 2010, Egypt,

Asst.Prof. Mallavolu Malleswararao, M.Tech (PS), MIAENG, MISRD, MIACSIT, MISIE, MIACSE., Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, RISE Prakasam Group of institutions, Ongole (A.P), India,

Mrs L.Mythili, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, SriRamakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore-Tamil Nadu, India,

Dr.S.R.Boselin Prabhu , Ph.D, Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, SVS College of Engineering, Arasampalayam, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India,

Dr. Sobhana , Ph.D, Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tehnology, Government Engg College Velloor, Pampady,Kottayam, Kerala, India,

Dr. Ayyaswamy Kathirvel, Ph.D, Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University , india,

Dr.N.MD.Akram, B.Ed, M. Sc, M. Phil, Ph.D (chemistry), Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Santhiram Engineering College, Nandyal. Affliated to JNTUA, India

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Dr. Lokesh K.S, B.E., M. Tech., MIAENG., MIIE., MIAOIP., MIMRTC., MIEDRC., MIRED., MITEEA., MASME., MIAAM., MANAHEI., (Ph.D), Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, India

Scopus ID : 57207941914

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Dr. Mohammad Arif Kamal, Master of Architecture (M. Arch.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), (Associate Professor) Architecture Section Aligarh Muslim University, India

Scopus ID : 56921383300

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Dr. Sandeep Mathur, MCA, MPhil, Phd (CSE), Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Information Technology , Noida, India

Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey, M.Tech, PhD, Associate Professor (CSE) ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad, India

Dr. Vignesh Ramamoorthy H, M.Sc, M.Phil, PhD (CS), Assistant Professor - Information Technology Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, India

Dr.P.RAJASEKAR, B.E, M.E, Ph.D, Professor, Narayana Engineering College, Gudur, India

Dr. Ibrahim Patel, M.Tech. Ph.D, Associate Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept B. V. Raju Inst.of Technology,, India

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Dr. Praveen Kumar Malik, BE, M.Tech, Ph. D, Professor, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar Punjab, India

Dr. Ankit Kumar Srivastava, M. Sc, Ph. D, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. SATISH GEERI, M. Tech, Ph. D, Pragati Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India

Dr. CHINTALA BALAJI, M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Ashoka Business School, Hyderabad, India

Dr. Arghya Mani, M. Sc, Ph. D, Academy of Environment and Life Sciences, Agra, India

Dr. OSAMAH IBRAHIM KHALAF, M. Sc, Ph. D, Al-Nahrain University Baghdad, Iraq

Dr. Abhishek Shukla, Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science & Engineering, Assistant Professor in “R.D. Engineering College Technical Campus, Ghaziabad, India

Dr. Abhinav V. Deshpande, PhD (Electronics Engineering), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

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Dr. P. ALAGURAJA, M.Sc., M.Tech.,Ph.D.,PDF.,, Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing & GIS    Department of Civil Engineering                Jai Shri Ram Engineering College, Anna University, India

Dr. Shivanand Pujar, M. Tech (PDM), Ph. D, Assistant Director (Approval Bureau), AICTE –New Delhi(On Deputation), India

Dr. GOUTAM BHATTA, MCA, PhD (CSE), Faculty of Computing & Information Technology, Himalayan University, India

Dr. Arockiasamy Ajay Praveenkumar, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Department of Physics, IVDL, DMI - St. Eugene Univerisity, India

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Dr. Ashok Kumar, M.Tech, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering New Horizon College of Engineering, India

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Dr.Vejendla.Lakshman Narayana, M.Tech, Ph.D. PDF (CSE), Head of the Department & Associate Professor in Vignan’s Nirula Institute of Technology and Science for Women,, India

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Dr.Osamah Ibrahim Khalaf, PhD (computer networking, multimedia and image processing), Department of Information Engineering, Al-Nahrain University Baghdad, Iraq

Dr. M. SIVARAJ, M.E, M.C.C, Ph.D.,, Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, Ethopia, Ethopia

Dr. RAMACHANDRA C G, B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D., MISTE, MIE, MSSRJ, P.ENG, FSET(Malaysia), FISME, MIAENG, MSSI, MISSE, MIIER, MITEEA, MICSR, MIEAE, FIESRP, MISRPM(Malaysia), MAIMS, MIFERP, MBEIESP, MIEEE, MIGRNET, MIRFSR, MWRFER, Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering Presidency University, India

Dr. Kamal Gulati, Ph.D in E-CRM & IT, Associate Professor at Amity University, Noida & Independent Consultant with Stratford University, India & USA

Dr. Manpreet Singh, M.Tech, PhD, Professor/ HOD, Professor/ HOD, India

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Dr V. Gopal, M.E., (CAD), Ph D, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KCG College of Technology, India

Dr. Tejeswara Rao Voonna, M. Sc., M. Phil., PhD., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry M. V. R Degree and P.G College, India

Dr. S. Sophia, ME (Comm. Systems), Ph.D, Professor and Head/ ECE, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, India

Mr. Kamaraj Thangavelu, Software Discipline Chief, Collins Aerospace (Raytheon Technologies), USA

Mr. Dheerendra Panwar, M.Sc, Senior IEEE Member, IEEE.ORG,, USA


Ms , Arpita Soni, Senior IEEE Member, USA

Dr S S Mohan Reddy, Professor, Department of ECE, SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, INDIA

Irshadullah Asim Mohammed, M.Tech.,, Supply Chain, Project Manager at FuelCell Energy Inc., , USA

Varun Kr. Singh, MBA.,Ph.D.,, Assistant Professor SHEAT College of Engineering, Babatpur, Varanasi, INDIA

Dr.A.M.Arun Mohan, Ph.D Civil Engineering, Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering Sethu institute of Technology, INDIA

Mrs Kavita Sanjay Singh , BSC.IT ,B.E.,M.E.,, Assistant Professor Information Technology , Thakur Shyamnarayan Engineering College , Kandivali East Mumbai Maharashtra, INDIA

Dr. Muttappa M Mantur, M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Govt. First Grade College for Women & PG Centre, Jamkhandi_587301 Bagalkote-Dist KARNATAKA, INDIA

Hemal Shingloo , pursuing, School of Computing science engineering and Artificial Intelligence, VIT Bhopal University., INDIA

Dr. Janaki Sivakumar,, P.hD.,, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Creative Technologies, Global College of Engineering and Technology, Muscat, Oman, oman

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M k subrahmanyam, , Agile project manager 20 years in software development industry , INDIA

Dr.Minakahi M.Sonawane , Mphil.PhD in computer science, Assistant professor, G.H.Raisoni International Skill Tech University, Pune, INDIA

Ajay S Wadhawe, BE(Inst)ME(Instrumentation), HOD Electrical and electronics engg,Shri Shivaji Institute of engg and mgmt studies ,Parbhani, Affilated to DBATU, Maharashtra. AICTE Affilation id : 1-1473411526, INDIA

Dr. Nilesh Madhukar Patil, PhD (Computer Engineering), SVKM's Dwarkadas J Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai Affiliated to University of Mumbai , INDIA

Dr. JNANARANJAN ACHARYA, Ph.D. , Thermal engineering, Mechanical Engineering., Assistant Professor, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India, INDIA

Dr. Anil Kumar Bodukuri , M.Tech., Ph.D., s Assistant Professor (C) in Department of Mechanical Engineering in Kakatiya University College of Engineering and Technology, Ku Campus- Warangal., INDIA

Dr.Irfan Ahmad khan , M.Sc.,M.Tech.,Ph.D, Assistant Professor Rai school of engineering,Rai university Ahmadabad , INDIA

Dr Ankita L. Chaudhary , M.Sc., GSET, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, R. R. Mehta College of Science & C. L. Parikh College of Commerce, Palanpur, Gujarat, India, INDIA

Dr. P. Selvarani , B.Sc.,M.Sc.,M.Phill., B.Ed., PhD.,, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy Campus, SRM Deemed University,, india

Dr. Harsh Arora , Ph.D,UGC NET,M.Tech(CSE),MCA,MBA, BANARSIDAS CHANDIWALA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Trust Society Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and Affiliated to GGSIP University, New Delhi, INDIA

Dr. Sindhu S Pandya , MCA, Mphil, PhD, The Mandvi Education Society, BBA, BCA & Science College, Mandvi Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat , INDIA

Dr. Monalisa Hati., PhD in Computer science and Engineering., Working in AMITY UNIVERSITY Mumbai., INDIA

Dr Raju Chitla, M.E ., Ph.D, Senior Lecturer Government polytechnic , Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530007, India

Thanuja M, B.E, Mtech, Sai Vidya Institute Of Technology,AFFILIATED TO WHICH UNIVERSITY: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Public university in Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Dr.J.Dafni Rose, Ph.D, St. Joseph's Institute of Technology,Anna University, India

Prof.Amol More, M-Tech Mechanical Engineering, AISSMS'S INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PUNE, India

Saihibb Kaura , IB diploma, Strawberry Fields, India

Dr.Arvinder Singh Channi, Ph.D, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Guru Kashi University (NAAC A++) Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India, INDIA

Prof. Firoza Mirza , Ph.D. Scholar in Computer science & Application/M.Sc. IT / M.Ed. , St. Wilfreds College of Computer Sciences Affiliated to Mumbai University. , India

Dr. Khimya Amlani, Ph.D. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed, Assistant Professor , India

Prof. (Mrs) Kalyani Akshay Kulkarni, MCA, MA (Sanskrit), , Assistant Professor , India


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Impact Factor(JCC)

  • 6.4687;
  • 2347-4599
  • 2321-8843