Mai Quoc Dung
Areas of expertise: Social Science, Political Science, History
Ho Chi Minh City,Ho Chi Mlnh, thanh po ,Vietnam
Dr. Mardanali Chand Shaikh
Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Non-conventional Energy, Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Internal Combustion Engines
SOLAPUR,Andhra Pradesh,India
Dr. Mardanali Chand Shaikh
Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Non-conventional Energy, Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Internal Combustion Engines
Dr. Mardanali Chand Shaikh
Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Non-conventional Energy, Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Internal Combustion Engines
SOLAPUR,Andhra Pradesh,India
Asiya N Khan
HOD CSE of computer science and Engineering
HOD in CSE, Database, Data structure, Big Data, Hadoop, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Solapur ,Maharashtra,India
Asiya Khan
HOD Computer Science and Engineering
HOD of CSE, Database System, Data structure,Big Data, Hadoop, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science
Solapur ,Maharashtra,India
Mardanali Chand Shaikh
Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Non-conventional Energy(Wind Power), Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat and Mass Transfer.
Nirmala Devi Danabala
Associate Professor
Chemical speciation, Cloud Point Extraction
Visakhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh,India
Nirmala Devi Danabala
Associate Professor
Chemical Speciation, Cloud Point Extraction
VISAKHAPATNAM,Andhra Pradesh,India
gedam kamalakar
G.Kamalakar is Post-graduate in the Department of Political Science. He also a holder a Master in Law, and Bachelor in Education. He was awarded Doctorate from the Department of Political Science, Osmania University Hyderabad, in the area of “WTO and GATS Implication for the Indian Higher Education”.
He is the Editor of International Journal of Contemporary Issue (IJCI) Online Journal. He has written three books and his edited four books. He is the Editorial Board Member & reviewer for nearly two dozen UGC Care, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journals of National and International. He has presented papers in more than two dozen International and National Conferences and seminars; He has one a dozen International Journals Publications and nearly 29 Publication, at National level. He has seven Book Reviews to his credit.
He has achieved RGNF Fellowship, New Delhi UGC. And Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from OUCIP, He has also worked as Degree college lecturer in the Dept. of Political Science at City College, Hyderabad. He is working as counselor at Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University for the last 8 years.
hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India
gedam kamalakar
He is the Editor of International Journal of Contemporary Issue (IJCI) Online Journal. He has written three books and his edited four books. He is the Editorial Board Member & reviewer for nearly two dozen UGC Care, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journals of National and International. He has presented papers in more than two dozen International and National Conferences and seminars; He has one a dozen International Journals Publications and nearly 29 Publication, at National level. He has seven Book Reviews to his credit.
hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India
Dr Gedam Kamalakar
He is the Editor of International Journal of Contemporary Issue (IJCI) Online Journal. He has written three books and his edited four books. He is the Editorial Board Member & reviewer for nearly two dozen UGC Care, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journals of National and International. He has presented papers in more than two dozen International and National Conferences and seminars; He has one a dozen International Journals Publications and nearly 29 Publication, at National level. He has seven Book Reviews to his credit.
hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India
My research domain is, How can we provide security, when message transmission is done in network. It can be achieved by group key management when we transmitting data from node to node. By using RSA algorithm, this can be achieved.
software engineering, networks, data science
chennai,Tamil Nadu,India
Md Hanif Tahsin
Medical Officer
Natural medicine, Natural plants, natural medicinal plants, Natural Environment Science research, climate change research in nature.
Munshiganj,Munshiganj zila,Bangladesh
Md Hanif Tahsin
Medical Officer
Dhaka Division and Rangpur Division research
Munshiganj,Munshiganj zila,Bangladesh
Key-trees provide an efficient solution for private authentication in the symmetric key setting. However, the level of privacy provided by key-tree based systems decreases considerably if some members are compromised. This loss of privacy can be minimized by the careful design of the tree. Based on the results presented in this chapter, we can conclude that a good practical design principle is to maximize the branching factor at the first level of the tree such that the resulting tree still respects the constraint on the maximum authentication delay in the system. Once the branching factor at the first level is maximized, the tree can be further optimized by maximizing the branching factors at the successive levels, but the improvement achieved in this way is not really signify cant; what really counts is the branching factor at the first level. In the second part of this chapter, I proposed a novel group based private authentication scheme. I analyzed the proposed scheme and quantified the level of privacy that it provides. I compared the group based scheme to the key-tree based scheme originally proposed by Molnar and Wagner, and later optimized by me in the first half of this chapter. I showed that the group based scheme provides a higher level of privacy than the key-tree based scheme. In addition, the complexity of the group based scheme for the verifier can be set to be the same as in the key-tree based scheme, while the complexity for the prover is always smaller in the latter scheme.
Richa Mehrotra
Operations Research, Fuzzy Mathematics, Vehicular Pollution
Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh,India
Premkumar M
Assistant Professor
Mathematics, Pure and Applied Mathematics
Trichy,Tamil Nadu,India
Dr Noohi Khan
Assistant professor
My research work is basically based on Complex valued harmonic Univalent and multivalent Functions and their applications and various properties of harmonic univalent and multivalent functions.
Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh,India